TV Ads $500

Per month cost for local or national ad campaign!
Includes free 30 second spot made by humans!

TV Ads $1500

Per month cost for local or national ad campaign!
Includes free 30 second spot made by humans!

TV Ads $5000

Per month cost for local or national ad campaign!
Includes free 30 second spot made by humans!

Advertise on All Talk Radio Stations for One Low Rate | 888-449-2526

Talk Radio

Advertise on All Talk Radio Stations

Advertise on all of the key talk radio stations in any state for one low spot rate – covering the entire state with one buy – dealing with one media buyer – and all at one low price per spot!  We do all of the work and reduce your advertising costs for statewide radio buys – while delivering top tier radio stations and shows in the 6A to 7P time-slot. Best  part? Most of our media buying services are 100% free to our clients! Call now 888-449-2526.

How can I run my radio ad across the state on talk radio? Now you can run your radio ads on all of the most listened to talk radio stations and shows across the entire state with the best hosts and shows at one low rate. Our statewide talk radio UN wired network is available in all 50 states. Rather that spend your time buying media station by station, Rather that you having to hire staff, we buy it for you, all at once and you save time and lots of money too! We don’t mark up the rates and because of the bulk buys we make as radio media specialists, our rates are usually the lowest available – period!

If you are running a political campaign, or any other advertising campaign and you want to reach the entire state through talk radio – we are your one stop agency. We will make sure that your voters or customers are reached!  Let us put together a free media advertising plan for you today and show you what we can do. Buy all talk radio stations in the state for one low rate and at the biggest discounts possible. Remnant ad rates available in some cases for DR Direct response offers. 888-449-2526!

Political advertising on the radio

About buying remnant ads…

Some background on talk radio…

Over the years, radio has transformed society and culture around the world in a multitude of different ways. When it first arrived, it was a way to keep families informed of what was happening in the war and offer entertainment in an age before television.

In the search for human connection, our species created everything from the call-in competition, to the radio drama. However, few things have been more enduring, or as emotionally influential as talk radio.

Talk radio stations are still a crucial part of the radio network today. They exist not just to inform, but to entertain, enlighten, and even enrage their listeners – all for a specific purpose.

We like to be aware of what’s going on around us. Before radio existed, we relied on the reports of newspapers to deliver information. Even then, most of the data that we got was restricted, stunted, and local. What’s more, while illiteracy and reach impeded the success of the newspaper, radio could connect to everyone, anywhere.

Radio, and its talk broadcasting stations became an instrument of social cohesion, bringing different classes and members of society together to discuss complicated topics.

Popular talk stations know that getting people riled up about moral, ethical, and political issues is an excellent way to promote buzz. That’s why we’re still obsessed with news talk radio stations, and internet streams today.

The best talk radio stations even allow us to talk about our responses to the latest news. They allow us to phone in, share our thoughts in a poll, or rant about something online without fear of judgment.

What’s next for talk radio?

In a world where consumers have less time to read newspapers, reduced patience for television, and a greater need for media that they can control, talk radio remains popular.

The best talk radio stations will allow customers to download their shows and connect with them in a multitude of ways in the years to come. Already, we’re seeing talk radio hosts responding to messages sent to them from social media and other channels.

We’re finding new ways to communicate as a society while tapping into the traditional benefits of radio that we discovered when the medium first emerged.

Talk radio is about more than just listening to a conversation. It’s about being part of a wider discussion about society and politics. It’s a chance to make your voice heard and experience the emotions that make us feel more passionate about life.
