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What Are Radio Remnant Ads? | 888-449-2526

Radio Remnant Ads - 888-449-2526What Are Radio Remnant Ads?

If you could find the map to El Dorado or the secret to the perfect marketing plan, which would you pick?

To quote the late Roger Fredinburg, former national radio talk show host of “Homeland Security Radio” and founder of Ho Hum Media, Inc., “If you advertise on the CNN, Fox News, Drudge Report, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, George Noory, and other radio news or talk show programs, your ad stands by itself. People just can’t scroll by and ignore it. If you really want to see an immediate boost in ROI, one plan is to use radio remnant ads often! They let a company test the results of an advertising campaign before they put big money behind a more focused radio ad campaign.”

Roger went on to say, “Think about snowflakes, each snowflake is a unique masterpiece unto itself but because so many snowflakes fall at the same time, it’s difficult to see the beauty of each individual flake. So when you run an ad in a “snow packed” digital media environment, it’s hard to stand out! Much care is needed to choose the right blend of digital and traditional media today.”

Really, the secret of radio advertising today are radio remnant ads! What are radio remnant ads? They are ad spots that are created when programming changes during a broadcast. They can be during prime time shows as well as off-hours. An agency with experience can tell you if the available ads spots would work for your product or service.  More importantly, they monitor if the ad was played or not.

What is remnant or cheap advertising?

As an agency, we partner with the top remnant media buyers to access inventory which is advertising space that has not been sold – but it is made available to us at a huge discount off of their normal rate cards. We have decades of relationships with media who contact us with special rates as the dates get close to airtime or printing. In turn we pass those savings on to you! Call us at 888-449-2526.

Why buy remnant inventory?

Buying remnant advertising allows you to test your message on TV, radio etc., with a smaller investment and reduced risk. If you are running a campaign already, discount rates and lower cost-per-spot helps reduce your overall costs per ROI. For Direct Response or performance campaigns, we can improve results for less money and with smaller budgets.

Why choose us for remnant media buys?

  • We are turn-key and can handle the entire process for you including writing your ad copy, producing your commercials, and supplying the call tracking phone numbers
  • Media buying rate negotiation effectiveness (30 to 70+% off rate cards)
  • We are heavily customer service oriented
  • Direct response is our primary concentration

Remnant advertising is easy and it works! Ask about remnant advertising and stand-by inventory for national networks, local spot radio and TV, cable TV and mobile advertising also. This also includes newspapers, magazines and online editions of those media.

Buying Remnant Radio Advertising

Like any other form of advertising, one of the primary goals for any radio advertising campaign is to maximize your ROI. We can help radio advertisers significantly increase their ROI by significantly decreasing their ad costs by purchasing remnant ad spots.

Radio remnant ads are ultimately no different than a standard radio ad. When a station has an unsold radio spot, they will typically let the spot go at the very last minute at a significant discount to not miss out on profitability. Remnant radio ad spots are in high demand, so it’s best to work with an agency that understands the intricacies of advertising on the radio.

We still currently working on getting a good link to the El Dorado map site… but please don’t hold your breath!   Call us at 888-449-2526 today!