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Advertise Your River Guide Business on Radio! 888-449-2526

Successfully Advertising Your River Guide Business!

To be successful in advertising your river rafting guide business on the radio, here are a few important things to keep in mind.

Advertising rates for TV and radio vary from city to city, and state to state. If you search on the Internet for rates to specific TV, radio or podcast shows, or other media forms, you will not find them. At best, you will find averages. We are an agency with access to ad rates and media kits for thousands of TV and radio stations across the USA.

Call us and we will get the information you need immediately, often within 24 hours or less. You will get a real person on the phone who will help you get the info you want. Or you can fill out the contact form and you will receive a reply within 2 business days or less. We have helped hundreds of businesses, including small businesses and entrepreneurs for many years and we are here to help you, too. 888-449-2526.

Radio is still a very powerful medium and can reach a broad audience, but it’s important to have your message targeted to your desired demographic and you must make sure that you’re communicating the appealing benefits of your services. To make the most of radio advertising, it’s important to write a message that is memorable, informative, and makes an emotional connection. We can help you create a compelling radio ad! 888-449-2526.

River rafting is an exciting and confidence-building activity. With trained guidance from those who know some of the great rivers for rafting, rafting can be the highlight of someone’s summer or even their life! There are specific people who will benefit most from this wonderful adventure.

River Rafting guide business-people on raft going through whitewater

Here are some suggestions to help you put together an effective radio ad to create emotional appeal:

Think about who you’re trying to reach. You might want to reach out to business people who need a real break from the 9 to 5 grind. Clearly, there are many people of all ages who would love the experience of navigating some beautiful rivers. Since your target audience is quite vast, you may need help writing a message that speaks directly to their eagerness as well as their concerns.

What makes your river rafting guide business so appealing and attractive? It could be the exquisite locations where you prefer taking people, your great group pricing packages, your extensive experience and highly trained staff. These things really matter to those looking for this special kind of experience so make sure you highlight these things in your ad. You want to give your prospective clients compelling reasons to choose your river rafting guide business.

River Guide business-Closeup of raft with five men going through whitewater

Be sure to keep it simple and clear: Radio ads are short, 30 seconds or 60 seconds, so you need to make every word count. Generally a 30 second radio spot is approximately 70 words, and a 60 second spot is 140 words.

Keep your message simple and easy to understand, and make sure you emphasize your key selling points in a clear manner. Safety will certainly be an important point.

Use a “call-to-action.” Your radio ad should always include a call-to-action that encourages listeners to take the next step, whether that’s visiting your website, calling you for more information, or scheduling a trip.

River Guide Business-Four rafts full of people on river

Advertising your river rafting guide business on the radio can be an terrific way to reach your specific audience and promote your business. We can help! Our media experts can help you place your ads for effective results. Need help with script writing? We also have several voice over artists that can voice your ad. Give us a call! 888-449-2526.

We can always help you get the specific radio advertising rates for the station(s) in your area, as well as nationally. Also, depending on your ad campaign, you can save money by asking about remnant rates.

Radio continues to be remarkably popular because it is so widely available – like, everywhere. It is a free technology that allows listeners to hear their favorite music stations or shows without paying a dime, and it doesn’t require any special equipment. Even with the increasing popularity of streaming radio services and podcasts, radio is still one of the most widely-used mediums around the world.

Radio produces results like no other media. More than TV, more than social media, more than all other advertising mediums. “Radio listeners are also really loyal—they tend to be the same people who will support local businesses in person, too.”

By writing a focused message that highlights your outstanding services and includes a clear call-to-action, you can create a compelling radio ad that gets results. Ready to advertise? Give us a call! 888-449-2526